Android 8 upgrade to 10

Can you tell me where I can find the serial number?
When downloading Android 10, it throws a window like this

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You can find your device’s serial number two different ways:

  1. Check the sticker behind the battery
  2. Settings → About phone → Model → Serial number

Drew Hugentobler
L3 Mobile Computer Specialist Support Engineer

Hello, I’m not a datalogic worker.

it seems that you need to update to android 9 before updating to android 10

You can find the serial number (S/N) of your device in two ways:

1.Remove your battery and check the sticker
2. Settings → information about the phone → click on model

I don’t have the device in english, so maybe description names are different.

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I am able to locate the serial number which matches the the ones in the sticker and in phone settings, but the site is giving me “invalid S/N entered” error.
