To implement the transition to the adoption of GS1 Digital Link 2D barcodes at the point of sale (POS), decoding software will need to be able to handle retail items that may have multiple barcodes labels encoded with typical GS1 data structures and identification keys. For example, a GS1 DataMatrix or a GS1 QR code and an EAN-13 may be present on the same retail item and will have the same GTIN.
GS1 Digital Link, defined three standard scanning modes for handling multiple labels on the same product.
- Mode 1: After initially capturing the first GTIN from either a linear or 2D barcode, the scanner promptly processes and transmits only the GTIN with a single signal.
- Mode 2: Scanner prioritizes 2D barcodes, transmitting both GTIN and additional data in GS1 element string syntax, falling back to linear barcodes if necessary.
- Mode 3: Transmits all GS1-compliant labels with a standardized 8-digit set identifier prefix to associate multiple barcodes.
Let’s explore how to configure Datalogic Android devices to implement the official GS1 scanning modes for handling multiple labels on the same product.
Mode 1 - Transmiting the first GTIN found
Once the first GTIN is identified in a linear or 2D barcode, irrespective of the presence of multiple GS1-compliant retail barcodes on-pack, the scanner promptly processes and transmits the GTIN.
If the QR code is decoded first, then the barcode type will be GS1-128 or GS1 Databar-14 depending on the “Standard Formatting / GTIN Format” setting.
If the EAN-13 code is decoded first, the barcode type will be EAN-13.
Device configuration (Datalogic Settings / Scanner & decoder
Symbologies / EAN-13 / Convert to GTIN -> disabled
Symbologies / QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / QR Code / GS1-DL-QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix / GS1-DL-Data Matrix -> enabled
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 2D Conversion -> GTIN
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GTIN Format -> GS1 Databar-14 (or GS1-128)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 Label Set Transmit Mode -> First Label (Mode 1)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / ECI Policy -> remove
Quick configuration through Scan2Deploy (Mode 1):
Mode 2 - Prioritizing 2D Labels with Additional Data
Prioritize GS1 compliant general retail 2D barcodes decode, and transmits GTIN and any additional data (e.g., lot/batch number, expiration date) in the common format of GS1 element string syntax and, if one cannot be found, transmit data from the linear barcode.
Device configuration (Datalogic Settings / Scanner & decoder
Symbologies / EAN-13 / Convert to GTIN -> disabled
Symbologies / QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / QR Code / GS1-DL-QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix / GS1-DL-Data Matrix -> enabled
~~Formatting / Standard Formatting / GTIN Format -> GS1 Databar-14 *(not relevant)*~~
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 Label Set Transmit Mode -> Prioritize 2D Label (Mode 2)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 2D Conversion -> GS1-128
Formatting / Standard Formatting / ECI Policy -> remove
NOTE: With this configuration no conversion will be actually applied to GS1 Group Separator (Formatting / Standard Formatting / Group Separator replacement → [GS], default).
If a [GS] is present in the 2D code as in the example, it will be transmitted as hex 1D (Group Separator) non printable character.
Quick configuration through Scan2Deploy (Mode 2):
Mode 3 - Transmitting All Labels with Set Identification
Identify, decode, and transmit all GS1 compliant general retail barcodes (linear or 2D) on a product, while generating an 8-digit label identification to associate multiple barcodes with the same GTIN item.
Device configuration (Datalogic Settings / Scanner & decoder
Symbologies / EAN-13 / Convert to GTIN -> disabled
Symbologies / QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / QR Code / GS1-DL-QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix / GS1-DL-Data Matrix -> enabled
~~Formatting / Standard Formatting / GTIN Format -> GS1 Databar-14 *(nor relevant)*~~
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 Label Set Transmit Mode -> All Labels (Mode 3)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 Label Set Prefix -> $n
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 2D Conversion -> GS1-128
Formatting / Standard Formatting / ECI Policy -> remove
The scanner automatically adds as a preamble 8-digit numeric incremental identifier to group related barcodes. This enables applications to correlate multiple barcodes representing the same product, even when they contain different supplementary data beyond the GTIN.
NOTE: With this configuration no conversion will be actually applied to GS1 Group Separator (Formatting / Standard Formatting / Group Separator replacement → [GS], default).
If a [GS] is present in the 2D code as in the example, it will be transmitted as hex 1D (Group Separator) non printable character.
Quick configuration through Scan2Deploy (Mode 3):
Other use cases and configurations:
Example 1: Mode 1 with promotion of 1D labels to GTIN (GTIN-14 or GS1-128).
Consider the same barcode samples as above.
With this example, whether QR Code, Data Matrix, or EAN-13 is decoded, the scanner always transmits 019506000134352.
The barcode type will be GS1 Databar-14 or GS1-128 depending on the “Standard Formatting / GTIN Format” setting.
Device configuration (Datalogic Settings / Scanner & decoder
Symbologies / EAN-13 / Convert to GTIN -> enabled
Symbologies / QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / QR Code / GS1-DL-QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix / GS1-DL-Data Matrix -> enabled
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 2D Conversion -> GTIN
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GTIN Format -> GS1 Databar-14 (or GS1-128)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 Label Set Transmit Mode -> First Label (Mode 1)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / ECI Policy -> remove
Quick configuration through Scan2Deploy:
Example 2: Mode 1 with GTIN extraction from 2D code and conversion to UPCA/EAN13 for backward compatibility.
With this example, whether QR Code, Data Matrix, or EAN-13 is decoded, the scanner always transmits 9506000134352.
The barcode type will always be EAN-13, for both 1D e 2D codes.
Device configuration (Datalogic Settings / Scanner & decoder
Symbologies / EAN-13 / Convert to GTIN -> disabled
Symbologies / QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / QR Code / GS1-DL-QR Code -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix -> enabled
Symbologies / Data Matrix / GS1-DL-Data Matrix -> enabled
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 2D Conversion -> **UPCA/EAN13 compatibility**
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GS1 Label Set Transmit Mode -> First Label (Mode 1)
Formatting / Standard Formatting / GTIN Format -> GS1 Databar-14 *(not relevant)*
Formatting / Standard Formatting / ECI Policy -> remove
Quick configuration through Scan2Deploy: