Is there a way to completely disable the [Android} navigation buttons so that the customers can’t exit the application.
Hi @Mikael_Mattsson,
The current version of Datalogic SDK (v1.31) does not yet contain this feature, but it will be available soon with the new version v1.32 of the SDK that will be released at the same time as the new Joya Touch 22 devices with Android 11 become commercially available.
To access it, you have to use the com.datalogic.device.configuration.ConfigurationManager class with the boolean “NAVIGATION_BAR_HIDDEN” PropertyID.
Here below you can find an example on how to use the ConfigurationManager class:
Simone Callegari
Datalogic Mobile Products Specialist - L3 SW Engineer
Hello @Mikael_Mattsson,
Our Datalogic Launcher app is tailor-made for this use case and is available on the Play Store for free:
Check our documentation on it here if you have any questions:
Thank you for the info.
Will updated versions of datalogic-xamarin-sdk and datalogix-samarin-sdk-selfshopping also be available at the same time?
/Best regards.