Firmware download error for Memor 10 / GMS

Hi Team

We have purchased new Datalogic PDT Memor 10 with AD8.1/GMS and trying to upload the latest firmware on it using Scan2 Deploy application but not able to download the latest firmware from the website and getting the following error message
Error Message - Firmware not applicable to device model number

We even tried to download the [Memor 10 Android 8.1 v1.10.22] firmware and still getting the same error message.

Can someone please have a look this issue and point us in the correct direction to get the latest firmware updated on these devices?

You must take care to select the right OS variant to download: “EMEA/ROW GMS” vs. “US GMS” vs. “non-GMS”.
This must match the OS variant running on your purchased devices.

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I have encountered this same issue,
I have a Memor 10 with Andoid 9 (and i assume EMEA/ROW GMS) … and i would like to update it to Andoid 10… but we dont need google apps , so why cant i get the non-GMS variant for it?

Hi @David_Gates ,

M10 devices GMS and no-GMS are different Products, in fact they have different Product Numbers.
Every Product has the proper firmware, you cannot install the firmware built for a Product on another and no-GMS Product cannot be converted in a GMS Product.

Donato Cataldo
L3 Mobile Computer Specialist Support Engineer

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Hi Donato.
Thanks for your reply.
Ok so is the actual hardware different then? if so, what is the difference?

Hi @David_Gates ,

the hardware is the same, they are two differents products because they mounts two different OS.
no-GMS mounts the AOSP version of Android, GMS mounts Android with the full suite of Google services,
and is not possible to convert one product in to the other.

Donato Cataldo
L3 Mobile Computer Specialist Support Engineer

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