Grant accessibility permission to a third-party app

Hello, i need to give a third party app the accessibility permission with Scan2Deploy.
The app is a rmeote control app (Supremo) that now, without this permission can only share the screen, with the accessibility permission can also enable the remote control.

Already try the following command via Sca2Deploy script

pm grant it.nanosystems.supremo.addon android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
appops set --uid it.nanosystems.supremo.addon WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS allow

settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services it.nanosystems.supremo.addon/it.nanosystems.supremo.addon.SupremoAccessibilityService

But every command fail.

Thank for the support

Hi Marco,

Have you tried it without the --uid?

In the screenshot of this article the --uid is not correct:

What I always do in this cases is first to try if I can set the setting with adb. You can list the settings of an app with the appops get command:

Try the appops set command first. If it works with adb shell it will probably work with scan2deploy also.

Gr Peter

Hi, thanks for the repsonse, also without the --uid the command fail. The shell command were provided and tested by the suppliar of the app; so probably there are same difference between execute the command via adb than the Scan2Deploy script command

Found the solution, thanks also to @Simone_Callegari suggestion, the correct comand is to use “SET_SETTINGS” with the following command “SECURE enabled_accessibility_services it.nanosystems.supremo.addon/.SupremoAccessibilityService”

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