How to generate barcode via Scan2Deploy Studio from Scan2Deploy Android Schema

Hey there,

Following these docs, I’ve created a Scan2Deploy Studio profile and exported the JSON schema to be stored in source control:

Now, I’d like to import the JSON schema on a separate machine and generate a deployment QR code. In Scan2Deploy Studio Version 1.7.2 the Import button on the first screen is looking for TAR files by default:

And uploading a *.dla.json file in this location results in an error:

Attached below is the minimal reproduction schema file used in this example (generated by Scan2Deploy Studio Version 1.7.2).

  "global": {
    "install-path": "/sdcard/Download/scan2deploy/413d621c-b0cd-464c-b9ce-df20bbf98330",
    "auto-scan": true
  "update-scan2deploy": {
    "update-version": 10894
  "$schema": "",
  "deployment": {
    "scheme": "https",
    "port": 443,
    "host": "",
    "path": "/test.tar"
  "settings": {
    "default-home": {
      "package-name": "com.datalogic.launcher",
      "type": "custom-app"

Any help in understanding how to generate a deployment barcode for this schema this would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, it appears that the $schema value generated from Scan2Deploy Studio has not been published to the schema repository:

Hi Jonah,

I’m not really sure what you are trying to do with the Json. But under the save and print function in Scan2Deploy Studio you have a Save button and an Export button. If you hit the Export you will export the entire tar file. You can import this tar file in another Scan2Deploy Studio instance on another pc.

Gr Peter

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