How to: Install a Visual Formatter project (Scan2Deploy, Manually, Intent)

Datalogic Visual Formatter is a powerful tool for manipulating barcodes read by Datalogic devices.

With its graphical block interface integrated in Scan2Deploy, you can easily create configuration diagrams with which to

The installation and activation of a Visual Formatter project on board a device is fully integrated into the Scan2Deploy workflow, which is done by reading the QR codes generated by Scan2Deoploy and applying its configuration profiles (.tar files).

Using Visual Formatter’s Import/Export functionality, however, it is possible to save only the Visual Formatter project as a .zip file.

This will allow you to install and activate the VisualFormatter project, without having to apply an entire Scan2Deploy profile. Two modes will be available:

  1. Manually install the Visual Formatter project.

    • copy the .Zip file on the device
    • use the command Settings / Scanner Settings / Formatting / Visual Formatting / Install new Formatter
  2. Install the Visual Fomatter project by intent.

    • copy the .Zip file to the device
    • launch the following broadcast intent
      component: com.datalogic.service/com.datalogic.provider.VisualFormatterInstallReceiver
      action: com.datalogic.decode.visualformatter.INSTALL
      extra boolean: enable <true|false>**
      extra string: install_path <path/>

It is possible to test this intent from the ADB command line with:

`SHELL am broadcast -n com.datalogic.service/com.datalogic.provider.VisualFormatterInstallReceiver -a com.datalogic.decode.visualformatter.INSTALL --ez enable true --es path  <path/>`

This method is particularly useful in the case of devices managed via MDMs.
The following example shows how to install a Visual Formatter project via SOTI scripts:

`sendintent -b "intent:#Intent;component=com.datalogic.service/com.datalogic.provider.VisualFormatterInstallReceiver;action=com.datalogic.decode.visualformatter.INSTALL;B.enable=true;S.install_path=/sdcard/;end"`

Simone Callegari
Datalogic Mobile Products Specialist - SW Engineer