How to: Integrate Flutter and Datalogic SDK

This is an example that wants to show how a Flutter application could be integrated with Datalogic SDK.
The example is written in Kotlin for the native part.
We are assuming to have a Flutter application already been created by following the tutorial Install | Flutter .
The purpose of the app is to show how to:

  1. Receive a barcode content in the Android part and transmit it to Flutter part
    1.1 – through System Intent (by using the Datalogic Intent Wedge)
    1.2 – through code (by using SDK Read Listener)
  2. Enable/disable the Scan Engine’s Triggers

A Flutter application is made up of a Dart part common to several operating systems and a part specific to the operating system on which the application is running, in this case, Android.
(see more at: Writing custom platform-specific code | Flutter)

When a barcode is read, the value is passed from Android part of the app to the Flutter application via an EventChannel.
Upon reading the barcode, the content is received in the native Android part of the app and
the code will then be transmitted to the Flutter part using the mechanisms provided.

1 - Receive a barcode content in the Android part and transmit it to Flutter part

1.1 - Receive a barcode through Datalogic Intent Wedge

Android code:
A broadcast receiver is registered and is waiting for data coming from Datalogic Intent Wedge.
When a new code is received a Flutter EventChannel is used to pass the code from the Android code to Flutter code.

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {

      private val ACTION_BROADCAST_RECEIVER =  "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_action"
      private val CATEGORY_BROADCAST_RECEIVER = "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_category"
      private val EXTRA_DATA_STRING = "com.datalogic.decode.intentwedge.barcode_string"
      private val EVENT_CHANNEL_BARCODE_INTENT = ""
      private var receiver: BroadcastReceiver? = null
      private var filter: IntentFilter? = null
  	 override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
  		 EventChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, EVENT_CHANNEL_BARCODE_INTENT).setStreamHandler(
  				object : EventChannel.StreamHandler {
  					override fun onListen(args: Any?, events: EventChannel.EventSink) {
  						receiver = BarcodeIntentReceiver(events)
  						filter = IntentFilter()
  						registerReceiver(receiver, filter)
  					override fun onCancel(args: Any?) {
  						//Log.i(LOGTAG, "EVENT_CHANNEL_BARCODE_INTENT has been canceled")
    private fun BarcodeIntentReceiver(events: EventSink?) : BroadcastReceiver? {
          return object : BroadcastReceiver() {
              override fun onReceive(context: Context, wedgeIntent: Intent) {
                  //Log.i(LOGTAG, "received" + wedgeIntent.action)
                  val action = wedgeIntent.action
                  if (action == ACTION_BROADCAST_RECEIVER) {
                      barcode_text = wedgeIntent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_DATA_STRING)
                      //Log.i(LOGTAG, "Decoding Broadcast Received")

Flutter code:
In the Flutter code we can use a EventChannel listener inside a StatefulWidget to wait for the barcode coming from the Android part:

 class IntentBarcodeReader extends StatefulWidget {
 	  const IntentBarcodeReader({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  	  State<IntentBarcodeReader> createState() => _IntentBarcodeReaderState();
  	class _IntentBarcodeReaderState extends State<IntentBarcodeReader> {
  	  static const EventChannel scanChannel = EventChannel('');
  	  String barcode = "no intent data received";
  	  void initState() {
  		print("init state ");
  		scanChannel.receiveBroadcastStream().listen(_onEvent, onError: _onError);
  	  void _onError(dynamic data) {
  	  void _onEvent(dynamic data) {
  		setState(() {
  		  barcode = data;
  	  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  		return Text(barcode);

1.2 - Receive a barcode through Datalogic SDK

Android code:
A ReadListner is registered and is waiting for data coming from the Scan Engine.
When a new code is received a Flutter EventChannel is used to pass the code from the Android code to Flutter code.

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {

private var decoder: BarcodeManager? = null
private var listener: ReadListener? = null

override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
         EventChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, EVENT_CHANNEL_BARCODE_LISTNER).setStreamHandler(
 					object : EventChannel.StreamHandler {
 						override fun onListen(args: Any?, events: EventChannel.EventSink) {
 							try {
 								decoder = BarcodeManager()
 								// Create an anonymous class.
 								listener = ReadListener { decodeResult ->
 							} catch (e: DecodeException) {
 								//Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error while trying to bind a listener to BarcodeManager", e)
 						override fun onCancel(args: Any?) {
 							//Log.i(LOGTAG, "EVENT_CHANNEL_BARCODE_LISTNER has been canceled")

Flutter code:
In the Flutter code, we can use an EventChannel listener inside a StatefulWidget to wait for the barcode coming from the Android part.
The Widget is programmed like the previous one (point 1.2) only the channel on which it is waiting is changed, this widget is waiting on channel ‘’ :

class ListenerBarcodeReader extends StatefulWidget {
   const ListenerBarcodeReader({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
   State<ListenerBarcodeReader> createState() => _ListenerBarcodeReaderState();

 class _ListenerBarcodeReaderState extends State<ListenerBarcodeReader> {
   static const EventChannel scanChannel = EventChannel('');

The previous examples are showing a communication through ChannelEvent from Activity to Flutter, in the second part is shown Flutter that calls the Activity throught a MetodChannel:

2 - Enable/disable the Scan Engine’s Triggers

Android code:

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {

private var decoder: BarcodeManager? = null


 override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
 		   MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, METHOD_CHANNEL_BARCODEMANAGER).setMethodCallHandler {
 						call, result ->
 					if (call.method == "startTrigger") {
 						//Log.i(LOGTAG, "startTrigger MethodChannel Called")
 					   var bm = BarcodeManager()
 					if (call.method == "stopTrigger") {
 						//Log.i(LOGTAG, "stopTrigger MethodChannel Called")
 						var bm = BarcodeManager()

Flutter code:
In the Flutter code, we can use a MethodChannel inside a StatefulWidget that through a GestureDetector appropriately invoke the methods of the Android part.

 	class DecodeButton extends StatefulWidget {
 	  const DecodeButton({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
 	  State<DecodeButton> createState() => _DecodeButtonState();
 	class _DecodeButtonState extends State<DecodeButton> {
 	  static const platform = MethodChannel('');
 	  bool _hasBeenPressed = false;
 	  void initState() {
 		print("init state ");
 	  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
 		return GestureDetector(
 		  onTapDown: (_) { startTrigger();},
 		  onTapUp: (_) { stopTrigger();},
 		  child: Container(
 			padding: const EdgeInsets.all(60.0),
 			decoration: BoxDecoration(
 			  color: _hasBeenPressed ? Colors.amber : Colors.lightBlue,
 			  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
 			  border : Border.all(width: 5),
 			child: const Text('Scan'),
 	  void startTrigger() async {
 		try {
 		  print('called startTrigger()');
 		  setState(() {
 		} on PlatformException catch (e) {
 		  "Failed to get startTrigger: '${e.message}'.";
 	  void stopTrigger() async {
 		try {
 		  print('called stopTrigger()');
 		  setState(() {
 		} on PlatformException catch (e) {
 		  "Failed to get stopTrigger : '${e.message}'.";

This app is an example and it is not intended to be a complete guide to integrate Flutter with the Datalogic SDK.
At this link, it is possible to download the apk, note that before receiving the barcode via intent, the intent wedge must be active and the configuration parameters (action, category, etc.) must be at default values.

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I developed a Flutter App following these instructions, when i run in debug mode i can get the scan data perfectly, but when i compile an apk release, i do not get the scan data.

Therefore i can not use my App in producction.

My device is a Memor-10

What could be going on?


Hi @Jorge_Escandell ,
welcome to the discussion board.

Probably you need to configure the “Buildtype release” in your build.gradle file.
You can configure the file like this:

 buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

the contents of the file ‘’ can be:

-keep class com.datalogic.cradle.** { *; }
-keep class com.datalogic.decode.** { *; }
-keep class com.datalogic.device.** { *; }
-keep class com.datalogic.extension.** { *; }
-keep class com.datalogic.softspot.** { *; }

please see also is-the-datalogic-sdk-compatible-with-proguard-obfuscation .

Another way to configure the gradle file can be found in the following answer: DataMemorLogic10 Intent Wedge - #14 by Mehmet_Akif_SAYRIM .

Donato Cataldo
L3 Mobile Computer Support Engineer


That solved the problem :slight_smile:


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