How to use Datalogic Intents to star/stop the Scan Engine

In the Datalogic devices you have the possibility to start/stop the scan engine through an intent, without importing the SDK in the application (documentation):

  • Star Scan Engine (ACTION_START_DECODE) :

       import android.content.Intent;
        Intent myintent = new Intent();
  • Stop Scan Engine (ACTION_STOP_DECODE):

      import android.content.Intent;
       Intent myintent = new Intent();
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These Intents can be tested from the command line, through the following ADB shell commands:

  • Star Scan Engine (ACTION_START_DECODE) :

    adb shell am broadcast -a com.datalogic.decode.action.START_DECODE

  • Stop Scan Engine (ACTION_STOP_DECODE):

    adb shell am broadcast -a com.datalogic.decode.action.STOP_DECODE

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