Memor 10 and VerificaC19 App

I’m not a developer unfortunately, just an end user. I was asked if it is possible to use the Memor 10 devices with the italian government official app “VerificaC19”, for checking the EU Digital Covid Certificates.
The device works but the QR code scanning is done automatically from the camera, while I would like to use the much faster 2d scanner. Since I cannot modify the app in any way, I was wondering if there is any setting on the device that I could possibly use to override this behavior.

Hi @Luca_Iori ,

at the moment the VerificaC19 app does not allow you to use the barcode scanner to read the QRCode because the architecture allows you to use only a smartphone camera as input.
There is a discussion underway to extend the app in such a way as to handle input via the scanner.
You can follow the discussion on the official GitHub project or on this public forum, we are waiting for the evolution.

Best Regards

Hi @Luca_Iori,

an update about this topic: we have released an app that is able to read the QR code of the Green Pass directly from the scanner.
Please see this link.

Thank you

Best Regards

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