Memor 10 with react native

Hello i have a react native project. I would like to use the ReactNative SDK, i follow the document how can i use the BarcodeManager. In my app i have two screen to scan a barcode, when i move from one to another screen and scan the same barcode for some reason the buffer does not clear i suppose.
If i scan all the time in the same screen and not move from to one to another screen it works normaly.
Do you have any idea why this happens?

Hi Nikolaos,

I don’t exactly understand the question unfortunately. Can you elaborate on this part of your description?

the buffer does not clear i suppose.

Perhaps this line in the API documentation is relevant:

Therefore, you will typically only need to call barcodeManager.addReadListener() once in your application.

Thank you,

Hello Cody,
Yes i put on App.js like this
async componentDidMount() {

await BarcodeManager.addReadListener();

setTimeout(function () { SplashScreen.hide() }, 1000);

AsyncStorage.getItem(userDefaultsKey.language).then(value => {

  console.log('Apppp Jsssss',value)

  if (value !== null && value === "el") {



  else {



  const resetAction = StackActions.reset({

    index: 0,

    actions: [NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'SplashScreen' })],





And on two screens i use this:
async componentDidMount() {

    this.props.navigation.addListener('willFocus', this.load)


    const eventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(BarcodeManager);

    eventEmitter.addListener('successCallback', (map) => {

     console.log('Barcode Result', map.barcodeData);

        this.onBarcodeScan(map.barcodeData); //this i call to search the barcode



Is this ok or i have to make changes.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Hello Cody,
Do you see my issue?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Nikolaos Rakovolios