Scanning Barcodes while Scale is Live Updating

Hello, I am using the Magellan 9800i Scale / Scanner, in the single-cable mode with STX and ETX mode enabled.

Using the JPos examples on Github I am claiming both the scanner and the scale at the same time, with the scale giving me live weight updates.

When I scan several barcodes in a row, there is occasionally a point where it delivers what looks like a partial barcode, and at the same time the scale throws an exception in the code.

I have a feeling that the scale and scanner are sending data at the same time and since it is in a single cable mode that their messages are getting improperly overlaid on each other.

Is there a way to effectively keep their messages separate so they don’t overlap? Or is there some other portential cause for this that i’ve overlooked?


Hello @Nikolay_Yeghyan,

Welcome to our forum!

This forum is mainly meant to provide general information on Datalogic Mobile products , mainly Android and Windows CE devices.

General information and downloads for Magellan devices is available at their product page (see link: Magellan 9800i - Datalogic). However this seems a more technical question and we invite you to open a support request at Technical Support - Datalogic . Fill out the form and one of our technicians will get in contact with you.


Drew Hugentobler
Mobile Products L3 Specialist SW Engineer