Method 2 - Send a Datalogic SDK configuration Intent via ADB:
Starting from SDK version 1.32 the extra can also be passed as a String or a list of String,
see this link.
Send a configuration Intent via ADB with the extra data as a List
adb shell am broadcast -a com.datalogic.device.intent.action.configuration.COMMIT --esal com.datalogic.device.intent.extra.configuration.CHANGED_MAP "WIFI_BAND_SELECTION=WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ,CODE128_ENABLE=false"
Send a configuration Intent via ADB with the extra data as a String
adb shell am broadcast -a com.datalogic.device.intent.action.configuration.COMMIT --es com.datalogic.device.intent.extra.configuration.CHANGED_MAP "WIFI_BAND_SELECTION=WIFI_BAND_24_GHZ,CODE128_ENABLE=false"
Note: Changing certain parameters may require a device reboot before they are applied. In that case, reboot the device to apply the configuration.